Out with the old and in with the new "Switzerland Style". These AFO's just weren't doing a very good job. She got these in quite a rush right before we left the states. Her foot was still swollen from the surgery. However, her foot returned to normal size and of course the braces became too big.
The first day my parent's were here at Christmas is when we had our appointment with the orthotist. The man spoke some English and was very nice. I have to say that he was not impressed with the braces. We were hoping he could heat them up a little bit and have them form better to her legs. No, that wasn't going to happen. He took one look at them and huffed, shook his head. So, Jason asked him what he thought and he said, "those are #@!T" We asked.
Kate didn't say anything but when we got back home she made sure her grandparents knew what the man said. It was pretty funny.
We got the ok from the insurance company and ta da - here are the Swiss AFO's. I have to say they are pretty nice. Kate likes him again since he made those fancy cut outs on the back. She has never had those before.
She picked the pattern and of course I was a little worried. They are definately more bold in color than her old ones and they don't match very well with all her "pink" clothes but she seems to have gotten over that now - I hope!
We did have to go out and buy some new shoes. I was surprised, we found some that were quite reasonable and that we both agreed on which isn't always easy!