Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Around the World

This past Wednesday, the school celebrated Christmas around the World. The mothers and some fathers from 10 different countries put together a table and a 5 minute presentation. We started at 8:30 and went to 12:00. There were children the entire time. Occasionally we would get a small break and I would sneak over to another table to hear about the wonderful traditions. I loved it. It was so much fun and a lot of samples of desserts!

Sweden ................ Sorry, I cut off Annika's head. St. Nick is the size of a gnome (sp?) I believe it is on Christmas Eve when the children dress up in all white robes or red and the eldest girl of the family will wear the crown of candles. Germany........ The advent calander with the goodies which starts Dec.1st. I forget what the name is of the beautiful piece on the left. I know it represents the Nativity scene.
Italy.......I think she was giving the best presentation. Kids were always at her table and I never got a chance to visit her table to hear what she was saying.
Switzerland..... They came prepared. They had hot tea, coffee, apple cider, hot wine and tons of goodies.
Switzerland had 2 tables and a tree. They had each child hang an ornament. I forgot to take a picture at the end. I was tired at the end and ready to go.

Israel had the potato pancakes and the cakes that look and taste like doughnuts. I think the kids loved their table the best. They passed out chocolate coins too!
Poland's Table had beautiful pictures of food that they prepare. They serve a 12 course dinner on Christmas day. They passed out sample menus. I think you would have to not eat the day before. However, I don't believe you can start eating until the first star is spotted by one of the children.

Australia.. They enjoy a camp out on the beach.
I forgot to take a picture of my table and Spain. I did visit with Spain and what I found interesting was that lottery tickets are very popular. It is not uncommon at Christmas time for an entire town to win and you get back usually what you have spent over the years on purchasing lottery tickets.
It was a fun morning. I hope you enjoyed the tour.


Ellen and Sharon said...

What a fun time you had going around the world! We just knew that you were saving United States for last! We couldn't believe that you FORGOT to take a picture. We loved reading the explanation of each country. Kate looks great. We loved the picture of her with her little friend, Victoria.

The Cline Family - Jeff, Sheila, Kiera and Kinsey said...

Wow! I bet that was a lot of fun for the kids! I can't believe you don't have a picture of your table!!! What did you include??