Monday, September 20, 2010

Capa'Cite 2010

Every 2 years, Neuchatel hosts Capa'cite. It is basically a one week fair of all professions that is geared towards to middle school and high school age kids. In Switzerland, testing begins in the 6th and 7th grade to begin the development of your career. I believe by 9th grade, kids have to basically decide what they want to do in life. If you do well on exams and in school then more than likely you will go on to University studies. For those that don't do well, then apprenticeships begin in the different labor trades.
The fair was set up all over downtown. There were 5 tents set up in front of our place in the parking lot and across the street at the port. Our building is basically where that arrow in the picture that says "ici" (here). The tents housed the following areas: Health and Social, Gourmet, Tech Village, Arts and Business Management.

The area that really fascinated me was the Village Green and the Building and Construction.
It took them about a week to build the structures and get everything set up. However, some of things were built out of demonstrations and they just kept adding to them.
I was amazed at all the time and effort put in to the areas that were going to be taken apart in a couple of days. The ponds were beautiful along with the flowers of course.

The Building and Construction Area was busy and the artwork was wonderful.
They had demonstration of building cobblestone streets and it was a huge area.
The agricultural area was set up at the end of our street. I couldn't believe they brought in corn and cows and sheep. There was one cow that wasn't too happy and he didn't make the sound of "moo". It sounded more like a boat horn. The smell wasn't too pleasant either. Kate had a hard time standing there to get her picture taken. I think she is a city girl:)

It was something to see and it was wonderful to see them build exhibits as part of the town. I was also thrilled when it was taken down because it made the downtown area too busy for me.

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