Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Color

We finally remembered to take the camera with us when we went for our walk to the lake. I noticed a bird go into the house but never saw one come out. There are quite a few of these bird houses in the park. I'm not sure if the city put them up or if it was a private individual.
The tulip beds were roped off all winter. I remember when they were planting all those bulbs. It took quite a few days to plant all those bulbs.
They are so beautiful and it adds such color to the park.
On the other side they hand planted poppies, pansies and I don't know what else.

The magnolia trees are in full bloom.
My Easter bread turned out so pretty that Jason took a picture of that too! I shaped it the French way like they make their Tresse bread. It was so delicious!!! I know I made Nona proud.
Check back in tomorrow, I will be posting our pictures from Venice!

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